Story Behind the Song
Where ya gonna be when ya wind up dead?
Where ya gonna go when you die?
Do you REALLY wanna know???
Recorded LIVE. All guitars and guitar synth. No keyboard players were either used or injured during the recording of this song. The organ is being driven by a GR808/GM-70 guitar synth interface and a Korg O1/W.
We did injure the drummer, but he heals fast.
Ya gotta nice shirt and a nice haircut,
The way you look, it catches the eye,
But I'd like to ask you just one thing,
Where ya gonna go when ya die?
I really wanna know...(do ya really wanna know?)
Yes I really wanna know...(do ya really wanna know?)
Yes I really wanna know...(do ya really wanna know?)
Yes I really wanna (really, really, really, really, really, really, really wanna know!)
Ya gotta lotta friends that say you're cool,
Did ya ever stop to ask them why?
Could it be that they just want
To be cooler than the next guy?
Chous, break
Did ya ever stop to think how small you are
At night when you look up at the sky?
Where ya gonna be when ya wind up dead?
Where ya gonna go when you die?
While you live here you've got one chance
To decide inside your mind,
That Jesus is the ruler of all your plans,
We hope that's what you'll find.
Last Chorus, same pattern
Do ya really wanna know Him?...