Story Behind the Song
I wrote this song during the gulf war. It's not about dissing soldiers, it's about how little our leaders care about the value of human life.
Annihilation Rock
As the knights in sandy camouflage go charging off to war
I sit here wathing TV like I did the night before
And when I’m sick of watching propaganda choke my soul
I find a new reality with my remote control
Our leaders seem to live within a fifties TV show
It’s a different world we live in now, but to hear them who would know?
The talking heads apon the screen predict the whole worlds fate
Some say peace and some say war, I hope it’s not too late
It’s annihilation without representation
Alone we’re powerless to stop decay
But maybe together, leaning on each other
We’ll try to keep the world from melting down
Well I vote whenever possible but it doesn’t seem to work
The hill is crowned with bureaucrats and our leader is a jerk
So I vote with my TV set and each week’s Nielsen score
But all the TV shows combined with never stop the war
It’s annihilation without representation
Alone we’re powerless to stop the war
But maybe together, leaning on each other
We’ll build a world with peace for everyone
And when our friends in victory came marching home from war
We glowed with vindication from that crippling war before
200,000 Iraqis dead, and a third were kids they say
This ain’t the movie of the week, John Wayne in a green beret
It’s life and death in stereo on a technicolor screen
A battle fought so we can drive our cars with our hands clean
But if we start another war I might go oversea
And maybe then, just maybe, you’ll see me on TV
It’s annihilation without representation
Alone we’re powerless to stop the war
But maybe together, leaning on each other
We’ll build a world that we can all call home