Story Behind the Song
The story's about a crackhead that stole one of Mike's guitars while he was on tour with Leeway.
The world would be a better place without them.
So you live your life this way, Now there's no tomorrow
You let your mind just run away, Have no dreams to follow
Now the horse shall eat its way, Rob, steal, kill and borrow
Your puke is green, your skin is gray
You expecting sorrow?
What you're doing is dead wrong, had a life but now it's gone
You're now in pain, bad is your health
Watch me laugh as you drown deep down this well
Look, your rotten image turns you numb, the mirror never lies you're done
All those highs caught up and grew, the party's over, the joke is now on you
If we could be rid of all like you
This world would prosper, we'd live lots longer too
If we could be rid of all like you