Story Behind the Song
It's 1995... Late at night in hotel rooms across Europe and Asia I can't escape the relentless CNN coverage of OJ, only to switch channels and find the other Simpson family dominating.Then a movie, "They rented a beach apartment, now i'm hearing Guns and Violins, In TV's American Market, there's lots of killing human beings."
It was an awful murder, but what made it worse was
what their kids would remember...
they could never think of things like this.
Down at CNN center, their crossing live ten times a day,
its something that TV invented, they call it news but its just airplay,
but i'm watching, and i'm watching a program...
They rented a beach apartment, but now i'm hearing guns and violins,
in TV's American market, there's lots of killing human beings,
but we're watching, and i'm watching and i'm wincing
Pretty girls attract like a magnet, we got a billion eyes on a distant prize,
with the footprint down like a dragnet, tobacco shares were bound to r-i-s-e...
So this is the smart generation, we go to work and count to five,
'cause there's so much more information,
we'll be working, working, working all our lives.
So we settle down for the evening, but we don't talk much and no-one reads,
but I must thank Marj and Homer, 'cause I think they teach our children irony,
and i'm changing, they call it channel-surfing...
Yeh that was an awful murder, you can catch a glimpse from time to time,
but someone's taken this further,
'cause now we seem to watch the Simpsons all the time...