Story Behind the Song
We are comparing a race car driver whose motor blows but still he doesn't give up with real- life people. You gotta keep doing what you love-never give up!!!
Have you ever thought about all the things you'd like to be
Take your dreams beyond this place go even further than the eye can see
It's a task that few would dare but suspense has been killing me
If I don't row, then the boat don't go, then the waterfall, it takes me.
Through the years I'm learning
Still the world keeps turning
I've gotta keep movin' -or freeze
On my way things are looking great, on the walls it's my name I see
While on course the motor stops and the valvetrain starts to freeze
Now the names in vain and the mud and it's covered in oil and grease
I'd say it's time this first mate jumps ship, it's now or never to get back on my feet
Through the years I'm learning
Still the world keeps turning
I've gotta keep on moving- can't freeze
Never mind the people who will stop, stare, laugh and say
" You've got to give and live your life some other way"
The old motor never had full power, one bad plug just kept on fowling the spark
Still I feel it in my heart
I watched the pressure drop, then it stalled
I knew it was going bad
During this time I rebuilt my old motor with components I've always had
Nevermind this industry of backstabbers and pain
Seems I struck out at first, now I'm back in the game
My new motor always has full power and the timing is set right on the mark
Still I can feel it in my heart
You've got to feel it in your heart
The game's not over it's just the start
Nevermind the people who will stop, stare, laugh and say
You've got to give and live your life some other way
At first it didn't look good, I just had a shaky start
Still I feel it in my heart
You've got to feel it in your-
The cries of release all echo through your soul
You've got to feel it in your heart
In your heart