Story Behind the Song
This is about an inablitity to love....and the sadness that follows..
the softness of your eyes,
forever you are mine,
the sweetness of your love,
a blessing from above..
Where did our sun go,
I cannot see your face,
the light that once shimmered,
I cannot feel your grace,
lost inside of me,
trapped beyond your reach,
colder than the night,
how can i make this plight..
I look inside your fear,
i see me standing there,
a mirror for my pain,
it cuts you in my name,
obsessing with your heart,
from the very start,
But i can't feel this way,
my soul can't seem to stay..
place your lips,
with my own,
caress your soul,
with my cold heart,
blood from wounds,
I cannot close,
tearing away,
but still so close,
stain my hands,
with our loves blood,
fall away,
with every touch...
spread your wings,
to carry me,
across this sea,
of all my tears.
Burn away,
this pain i bare,
where you are,
I want to be there...
Where is all this pain,
I cannot feel this way,
I cannot see the light,
I cannot run away,
Forever Broken.....