Story Behind the Song
The lyrics in this song tell about GOD. The man
that makes the miracles. By saving me,
he gave me a miracle.
Long ago came a man of high, he brought peace
for us all, he was shunned by all the leaders, who
thought they knew it all. But when the final day of
life on earth, was lived by Jesus Christ. All the
one's that said he was God's son, found out that
they were right.
He's the man that makes the miracles, he brought
love to us all. He came down to us from heaven,
he loved us one and all. He didn't come to judge
us, he came to set us free. He's the man that
makes the miracles, and he gave one to me.
All the prophets spoke about him, they said that
he would come, even John the Baptist was
preparing everyone. So when the time came for
the Lord to come, we'd be cleansed of our sins, by
just simply saying these few words. I do believe in
He's the man that makes the miracles, he simply
wants your love, all the gold & all the riches are
not saving anyone, but when you lift your heart
and soul to him, and ask to be set free, he will
gladly turn your life around, just like he did for me.
When he died the people knew right then, what
Jesus said was true, all the things he said would
happen, were starting to come true, he was raised
up on the third day, to take his rightful seat. He
now watches us from heaven like a shepherd with
his sheep.
He's the man that makes the miracles, he came
to save us all, some still seek the ways of Satan,
someday those poor ones will fall. For when the
judgment day has come and gone, only certain
ones will stand. He can give you any miracle, just
reach up, take his hand.
He's the man that makes the Miracles, he simply
wants your love, all the gold and all the riches are
not saving anyone, but when you lift your heart
and soul to him and ask to be set free, he will
gladly turn your life around, just like he did for me.
(c) 1998 Adam-o Song Shop