I learnt my wife how to act
I fed my boys nice and fat
I chop the crabgrass at night so I can shuck’n’jive
Five times now and I got one to go
I fed my gun nice and fat
But my Melissa, how she’s so bulimic, she’ll empty out
Into everyone what with her shuck’n’jive
I read the matchbook before I lit the house
So sorry, thank you, goodbye
A contract with a spouse
Hold the phone
Five times now and I got one to go
I fed my gun nice and slow
Oh, my Helena, how she fell upon me
And broke every bone all up in my back and now
I can’t shuck’n’jive
I read the matchbook before I lit the house
So sorry, thank you, goodbye
A contract with a spouse
Hold the phone
I lit today’s Times before I lit the house
Black smoke is oil burning, blue smoke means it’s gas
Call me Roy
I lit the shot glass before I lit the house
I live to a hundred and thirty
You’re still not impressed
Call me Roy