Story Behind the Song
In Philippians 2, we read of the greatest miracle of all time. God became flesh, and the reason for this great act was love. He made Himself nothing.
He became a servant. He humbled himself not once but twice. He stuck with his obedience to death. And God the Father exalted him for it.
And, we see that Jesus came down from the clouds of heaven in grace, mercy and love, we see that He will return on the clouds of heaven with a final judgment in his grasp. (Matthew 26:64) This is a warning and a definition to every rebel soul. His grace and mercy are not shown to us for lack of judgment and justice. it is in light of God's perfect judgment that God's perfect grace is shown. It is because of God's perfect judgment that His mercy has any meaning. God is not some cosmic nice guy who lets everyone off with a warning.
God is a patiently purposed Sovereign who will display all His attributes in perfection. No cloud will obstruct the view of our mighty King who has work to be done.
The patience of His love is awesome. The patience of His love is overwhelming. The patience of his love will make us lie awake in wonder and in awe, and should define our feeble and pitiful attempts at returning this love in how we show it to others.
Walking on the clouds of Heaven.
Looking down on the plight of men.
Hapless, hopeless, pitiful sight.
From the clouds of Heavenšs Peaceful den.
Walking on the stairs of space.
Clouds would not obstruct His view.
Seeing misery in the streets.
There was something that Jesus had to do.
He came down from the Clouds of Heaven.
Put on flesh, walked a dusty road.
He gave strength to a weary world.
Some came to Him.
He would bear their load.
He came down from the Clouds of Heaven.
He showed love to a people in pain.
Hapless, hopeless, pitiful sight.
Rescue them, put them on the Gospel train.
Je-sus, Jes-sus, Je-sus, Jesus!
You may trust in the King of Glory.
You may trust in the light of men.
You may smile at the end of the story.
When you die you rise to live again.
He came down from the Clouds of Heaven.
He showed love to a people in pain.
Hapless, hopeless, pitiful sight.
Rescue them, put them on the Gospel train.
Words and Music Š 1992, 2002 Joe Hesh/MOB.
All rights reserved.