Story Behind the Song
the Motivation for this traq, "Bastid wit a Miq" is I'm a Bastid....Lyricaly, meanin I'm original, I have no father figure, I follow my own path, and take responsability for my own actions, I'm Independant, and Depend on no one for beats, graphics manufacturing nothing....I am my own person, the lyrics are mainly some battle type lyricz, slash braggadocia, I'm cocky, by I realize one thing (my quote): "I can defeat anyone....and can be defeated by anyone"....but I like to test my limitz....the traq was written @ my crib, it took like 30min-1 hour or so....quiq but deep, this traq pretty much just came together, no complications in makin it, this is one of my favorite traqs I done to date....but that can change when I compose another ILL traq....
yo....Don't touch my MIQ or I MIGHT, BECOME UNPOLITE//and STRIKE LIKE a DIAMOND back snake in a FIGHT//LIKE McGruff ya wanna take a BITE...."OUTTA RHYME"//you got 10 SECONDz to EXIT the PREMISSES...."your OUTTA TIME"//too LATE to ESCAPE, tis the DAY OF YOUR FATE//twas the night that I ripped you....your FAKER THEN FAKE//I sit and PATIENTLY WAIT, for your to MAKE A MISTAKE//I'm known to (BREAK) necks (FAST), like BACON & EGGz//my CHOICE OF my VOICE PROJECTORY//constantly I WREQ EMCEEz....who POSE NO THREAT TO ME//BLAQHOLE ELECTED ME...."as the MIC TERRORIST"//leavin your body and soul...."seperated like my PARENTz IS"//KNIGHTVIZION with MIC RISEN....theres NO COMPARRISON//and you reppin PHX is SO EMBARRASSIN//all your lines are biten, more then MADONNAz CLIT//your contaminating Hip-Hop, its makin me WANNA QUIT....
*break down*
yo....I should just give up this sh*t, too many waq emceez in the business makin it look stupid and sh*t....but if I do that, then yall win....
*verse 2*
yo fuq dat, I'm RAISIN a NATION, of ASSASSINz//that'll BASH YA FACE IN WIT A PASSION, battle STATIONz we MANNED THEM//the PHANTOM of the HIPHOPERA, BIC MAFIA//PIQIN OFF MOQINBYRDz and SPIT COPIAZ we're DROPPIN YA//like DIMEz TO SNITCHEz, hit him every TIME HE TWITCHEz//fuq a SILENT WITNESS, ya need to MIND YA BUSINESS//or WIND up on my HIT LIST....cuz I'm RELENTLESS//fuq bein CONFINED in the TENTz, awaitin a LIFE SENTENCE//my Mic and me are connected TELEKINETICLY//and EVENTUALLY the ENERGY stored up will FINISH ME//but TIL THEN, I'll CONTINUE to school CHILDREN//and topple waq emceez like BIN DID TO THEM BUILDINGz//my saliva turns to flammable LIQUID when I SPIT IT//how would you like the fire of hell to GIVE YOU A VISIT//the sinz I COMMITTED, out weighes the ones that I DIDN'T//fuq a major label BLAQHOLE we DID IT INDEPENDANT//I live Hip-Hop ""howz that"" hold up LET ME FINISH//I even MASTURBATE 98 BEATS PER MINUTE//I SLAYED half of my FAN BASE with a HAND AX//the rest died cuz I laced MAD TRAQz with ANTHRAX//imagin BEIN DECEASED after SEEIN THE BEAST//rise from the SouthWEST and SET in the NORTHEAST//disguised as a NETCEE, PEACE to LORDEAST//NB Ridaz can't rise it SEEMz they NEED some MORE YEAST//I'll strip ya of your title like LATOYA ON THE WEEKEND//and have ya SPEAKIN in TOUGNE like a SUNDAY morning DEACON//you can't (fast talk), your way outta this BEATIN, like a (PUERTO RICAN)//"so shut the fuq up"....practise what Method man was PREACHIN....
I'm a DEMAN....SPAWN of GODz SEAMEN//tell me are you believin in....what your SEEIN//Bible READIN, couldn't save you from ME and my alter-ego.....from GETTIN EVEN//I'll CREEP IN....your childrens room while their SLEEPIN//whisper in their little ears while their DREAMIN//tell them to stop BREATHIN and their hearts to stop BREATHIN....for NO REASON....