Story Behind the Song
Blustery cold Winter evening, a family huddles together in front of a crackling fire, sharing love, friendship and listening to stories read by mother which brings back memories of past Winters..
Sometimes when daylight stills to grey,
And all the world lies silent,
We listen to the stillness sounds,
hat seem to seep from underground,
And weave a warmth around us.
Sometimes when Winter crackles cold
We snuggle near the fire,
And mother reads of olden days,
Her voice like silk,
A golden haze,
Transports me back to other days.
And I know feelings soft and new,
That taste like dreams,
And promises come true.
Sometimes when daylight stills to grey,
And all the world lies silent,
We listen to the stillness sounds,
That seem to seep from underground,
And weave a warmth around us.