Story Behind the Song
A poem I wrote depicting my angst in regards to organized religion.
regalia in red,
procession of martyrs,
drenched in the blood,
that saved their souls,
that gave them a name,
in history.
bound on earth,
yet forever free,
fed but starving for the truth.
pageant of fools.
the truly wise,
surrounded by seeing,
who are blatantly blind,
cursed but uncursing,
forgiving, not forgiven,
expelled and expounding,
the words that would see us through.
unanswered questions,
relentless, unasked,
hope to uncover times faceless mask.
buried in reason,
the seeing blind heal themselves,
of their afflictions,
that their hands would deal.
question the faithful,
who question themselves,
who answer their longings,
not books upon shelves,
the faithful who question,
continually learn,
the fire inside them,
continually burns,
unblinded by reason,
always ask why,
they achieve more then answers,
more then you,
more then I .