Story Behind the Song
I wrote this poem to make into a vocal piece for my friend Mary. She has a very close relationship with her father so the words suggest a longing for her childhood. We just recently recorded this work for our "Streets" CD. The recording date just happened to be 9/11/01 which made the recording session even more emotional for Mary.
For fathom not, the whims of youth.
No clue is found,
Within your years,
To answer questions,
Long forgot,
To render Hearts,
Free of chains.
The scars remain,
The memories,
To strengthen dear,
What not to tell.
And I shall pass,
Beyond this realm.
To greater depths,
Of love unknown.
Cradle me father,
In your arms,
Whisper stories,
Soothing things,
For my ears, my heart, my soul,
Grow tired.
Wanting not,
But that of youth,
Naive, oh, serene.
Oh, and shall I pass,
Beyond this realm,
To capture depths,
Of love unknown?
The scars remain,
The memories,
To strengthen dear,
What not to tell.