Story Behind the Song
A poem inspired by my parents visits to our home. My father has always expected to be waited on hand and foot; thinking the world revoles around him. The comment at the end of the poem about 'we'll share the laundry and the chores' will never happen in reality.
Feet on my coffee table,
Unwanted guest.
Empty refrigerator,
Unwanted guest.
Borrowing my clothes.
He just won’t leave,
Keeps comin’ ‘round,
And the more I press,
The tighter his hold
On my sofa cushions,
Making a permanent
Indentation as years wear on.
He eats us out of house and home,
He wears me thin,
As thin as paper
Which ignites time and again.
His TV shows bore my brain,
Unwanted guest,
Out damned spot,
Such a parasite to suck the marrow
of my being.
Unwanted guest
Who is the obsessed?
I’ve gotten attached to you,
unwanted guest.
But what would fill my hours if you left?
I’ve forgotten what normal is.
Thanks to my unwanted guest.
We’ll make a compromise,
Unwanted guest,
We’ll share the laundry
And all the chores,
Unwanted guest.
I guess it could all be for the best,
My darling, unwanted guest.