Story Behind the Song
i was totally inspired to write a love song. this one is very positive.
Driving up Flagstaff with a Reverend in my hand.
Star lit city nights sing of dancing upon snow covered lands
6 shooting angels streak across the midnight sky
I catch one for my princess and bow before her eyes
You said I was romantic well I’ll tell you it takes two
I have dreamed and prayed for someone my whole life just like you
As I’ve gotten to know you all my fantasies came true
And now, Randi, I’m hopelessly in love with you
I’ve got my acoustic and I brought a pack of dreams
I wanted to let you know how much you mean to me
I quit my job and sold my house, I wanna take you to the moon
Randi cant you see I’m hopelessly in love with you.
You said I was romantic well I’ll tell you it takes two
I have dreamed and prayed for someone my whole life just like you
As I’ve gotten to know you all my fantasies came true
And now, Randi, I’m hopelessly in love with you
I was working, when I wrote this song
I think of ways to please you every minute all day long
I want to get some cowboy boots and a brand new tattoo
I’m going to buy me a Harley Davidson real soon
As soon as I learn how to ride it I’ll come pick you up
Never mind my bandages or my broken arm all covered up.
Randi, I’m in love with you and I don’t feel any pain
I’m hopelessly in love with you and I’d do it all again.
I want to be your everything, anytime, anywhere
Here I am if you want me; please, don’t be scared.
You said I was romantic well I’ll tell you it takes two
I have dreamed and prayed for someone my whole life just like you
As I’ve gotten to know you all my fantasies came true
And now, Randi, I’m hopelessly in love with you
I don’t know how this happened
But now I’m hopelessly in love with you