In another time and another place two lovers meet, and their world, just for a moment, stands still.
A kiss, a caress, two hearts that beat as one, fleeting moments of ecstasy.
Only the pure light of love can banish the darkness
A touch so soft and tender, a look that has both passion and love, if only we could hold these moments forever.
Then comes a time when men will say we must fight for our freedom, and the lovers must part.
He knows he must cross an ocean to a place of blood and pain, he tells her; his love will always be true.
One day in a battle a warm heart becomes cold and a love that once had an eternity only has moments to hold.
Sometimes we lose a love to freedom, it’s a burden we have to bear, but remember this, a lover’s kiss is a joy beyond measure, and one day of love, a gift beyond compare.
We can only hope to never to know, the pain of a love that has gone.
Only the pure light of love can banish the darkness
Treasure each moment you spend with the one that you love.