Story Behind the Song
boredom or insomnia, either way its a valid answer.
Its two o'clock, I’m abruptly awakened by some large protruding figure, with eyes who's whites shine in the early moonlight. The sent of dew and ash fills the air, a cigarette is lit, sending light to the corners and edges of the strangers face. What the fuck? Is all my tired lips can proclaim as I wipe the silt from my eyes. The strangers cracked lips form into a slight smile, in a deep voice and a dashing glance to the tattered sheets on my bed, his smile widens and he mutters, your bed is purple.
Suddenly, I’m being pulled out of the room, house, whatever was behind me is now just a slash of light in a distant nightmare, dream...hallucination... at this point I’m not sure of anything anymore. Hours pass, maybe days, either way, I’m lost… or maybe not… Something pulls me along; all I can see is the back of its head, and a gust of cigarette smoke. The air around us starts moving more steadily, in a thicker consistency.
Each breath I struggle for becomes more and more frantic; I start to wonder less of where I’m going and more of if I’m going to live to see it. The air is almost gone now; we are moving too quickly for my lungs to properly draw it in.
I black out, only to wake up moments later in a congested room. Surrounded by several more figures...but there’s light now, dim light, but still enough to see. But all that’s visible are the whites of there eyes.... men…creatures…something, shrouded in black blue and red, concealed by something, or maybe I’m just too gone to clearly see anything. My heart racing, I sit down before them… Something pricks my shoulder … I dash around suddenly....
And I’m awakened, something’s scratching at my door...its three Am.