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Five Dollar Hand

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    "A Little Love"  Parental Advisorygenre: Alternative General
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    A song about the love people have for people of other races, sexual preferences, etc. Tongue in cheek? Something like that...

    Story Behind the Song
    The chorus was all I had for a bit. Then... I came up with the contrasting sound between the choruses - sorta had a love / hate contrast, so I knew what I wanted to do the minute I heard it.

    Can you feel a little love?
    Can you feel a little love?

    (spoken) What? You're pregnant by a fucking nigger?? A fucking nigger?? Goddamnit! Godamn.. I can't fucking believe it!! Didn't I raise you better than that??

    Can you feel a little love?
    Can you feel a little love?

    (spoken) You are pukes! You are the lowest form of life on earth! You are not even human fucking beings. You are shit!!!

    Can you feel a little love?
    Can you feel a little love?

    (spoken) Any of you homos... touch me... and I'll kill you.

    Can you feel a little love?
    Can you feel a little love?
    Can you feel a little love?

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