Story Behind the Song
Lost girl scaused me to compose this song.
The lyrics mean come back to me. (This is
the instrumental version.
Song composed in Detroit, and it took about a week for the first take. Many revsions
later, I decided on the sax, since my voice
sounded a little weak. After developing a medical problem, I decided to rename the song
(Hematuria is scarry.)
I'll Never Stop Dreaming
(Bring Me Back To Normal, Inatrumental)
1st Verse:
Singing brings joy to replace sadness,
Singing happy songs bring forth incentive, creativity,
As the fragrance, of your femeninity,
Bring thoughts of longing for you..
No, I'll never stop dreaming,
'Cause, dreams are all I've got;
And singing all over the world.
May bring you back;
Every hour of every day, I pray,
You'll think of me and call as before;
Thoughts of you bring my passion back alive.
2nd Verse
Ecstatic moments unfold,
Memories of pleasures untold,
Making it hard for me to sing now.
Knowing he shares your warm embrace.
(To Chorus)
©1994,2001Fred Evans