Story Behind the Song
There are many things in life that are arbitrary or ancient or both, and this song is about them. This song was born in Bronson Park on a sunny summer sunday afternoon, among the moldy fountains, college students and elderly men.
It's amazing what one person on their lonesome can achieve, it's unexplained, unexplained.
Yet it's even more amazing what two people can conceive, it's unexplained, unexplained.
But when darkness falls across the land and each hand finds an empty hand, we find they held much more than they contained. So go on, take the longer route, proceed as if you've got no doubt, and leave the unexplained the unexplained.
It's amazing all the kinds of light in darkness we project, it's unexplained, unexplained.
And it's really kinda stupid, those old concepts we protect, it's unexplained, unexplained.