Story Behind the Song
This song came to me while I was lying on my couch. I woke up from a daydream and it was there words, music, everything. I actually walked over the keyboards, which were in the front room at the time, and wrote it. I have not changed it since, except for adding in a guitar part.
It is about someone who haunts you day and night who lures you into doing things forbidden. The affect on you is like a drug. My "demon lover," is flesh-and-blood. The one who makes your pulse pound and your breath catch in your throat. If you are lucky it is your mate...If you are not... My first showing of this piece was at a Ren faire where, after I had performed it on stage, several young lovers actually came up and asked for it to be played for the person they were intent on courting. One set became friends of mine and are getting married soon. So now I always tell people "be careful who you are with when you listen to it, you never know what may happen."
We actually did this song in three takes. One for the keyboards, one for the guitar, and one for the voice. It was such a pleasure to do and I have been playing it for a few years.
VI: Demon Lover, come to me. Fly across the storm-clad seas. Demon Lover, bring your touch so softly. Demon Lover, magic eyes. Thrilling me with velvet sighs. Demon Lover set my soul on fire.
CH: I hear your call. I feel your touch, want your love, await your lust. You comfort me with your embrace, enslave my soul with your sweet face. Enchantment.
VII: How have I been so ensnared. Lost within your web and scared. Moving shadows of two forms entwining. Even when you let me go. Your kisses burn within my soul. Searing mind and body with desire. CH:
VIII: Now I know I'll never be free. Your kisses burn in memory. I see and smell and taste those searing moments. I'm lost. I stand within the day. Dreams of you enshroud the way. Demon Lover, I am yours forever.
CHII: I hear your call, feel your touch, want your love, await your lust. You comfort me, enslave me. Enchantment, forever. Enchantment, forever.