Story Behind the Song
I'm a mad fan of Sublime, so I tried a ska tune. It didn't turn out to well. This song started as a few chords, changed the pattern to the off beat, and went nuts on the vocals. I had no vocals written down. So I almost freestyled everytime I played it. Thus it was very easy to record, only one take.
I wait for the right time,
When you wont find me,
Like a game of go seek,
Blank Streak,
I hide,
Where you wont find me,
Can't take the beating,
Just leave me be,
The rain that I hide behind,
Darkness in the stream,
Rain that I hide behind,
Don't let be seen,
You yell,
And yes you scare me,
I can't even prepare the moments I can't take,
The words that you say to me,
Somtimes you delay,
Frightend I go the other way,