Story Behind the Song
I'm the outreach Pastor of a local church and I often find myself inviting people to accept God's love, as well as urging them to repent of their sins. Sometimes the responses I get remind me of what Noah must have gone through. This song is my interpretation of Noah's struggle to warn the people of his time and ours. I was influenced by the song "It's gettin ugly" by Bubba Sparks. Although I have to admit I've only heard the song twice and can't seem to find it anywhere
It’s Gonna Rain
It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain –repent or feel the pain
It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain –repent or feel the pain
Now I’ve been preacher to ya for about a hundred years
But ya’ll aint listening to me, better open up your ears
You say 'Here comes Noah, now you can just ignore him."
Well, this is my last sermon and this is your last warning
It started Long ago I was raising my kids
The Lord said "Noah", I said “Lord, what it is”
The Lord said “Look at the world, that I created
A place of sin and hate I tell ya I’m sorry I ever made it
them people are buck wild, and their hearts are hardened
Aint been the same since I kicked ‘em out the garden
So listen up Noah to what I’m gonna do
I’m going to flood the world and I’m start it over using you
So tell the neighbors they best repent
Cuz I wont changing my mind and I swear I wont relent
So here I am tryina make you realize
Ya’ll might as well repent, cuz your gonna get baptized
So you can laugh now and you can be a scoffer
But ya wont laughing later you’ll be treading water
It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain –repent or feel the pain
It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain –repent or feel the pain
I was told to build an ark, its like a great big ship
The Lord gave me the height, depth and the exact width
I made it big enough for all you folks
But for the last century ya’ll just been making jokes
But your gonna find that the jokes on you
I’m putting animals in, there coming two by two
Here comes elephants, the dogs and cats
Uuuughhhh, Make sure you don’t step in that
Here comes the alligator, giraffes and deer
Wish us bon voyages, cuz we up outa here
It’s really sad when you think about it, isn’t it
But this is God’s plan and that he would save a remnant
And we’ll multiply and we’ll fill the earth
We’ll be rededicated, and redeemed in our rebirth
Cuz this wicked world is making God Nauseous
Is that thunder I hear, better go get your galoshes
It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain –repent or feel the pain
It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain –repent or feel the pain
Now the sky is darkening and the wind is blowing
Don’t know about you, but I think it’s time that we be going
Was that a drop a felt, can’t be mistaken
Sorry, but the door is shutting and the last seats are taken
You can see the storm coming and see the lighting flashing
There will still be fools are out there, in the rain laughing
There will always be some who’ll live that way
Doing what they want, believing there’ll be no judgment day
But they’re in for a shock, a big surprising
The storm is here, the rains are falling and the floods are rising
But the world wont end though, God wont let it
But I hope the next generation wont be so hard headed
I hope the serve the Lord, and learn from the past
And if they start that sinning, best that watch that forecast
It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain –repent or feel the pain
It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain, It’s gonna rain –repent or feel the pain
This is your sky track forecast. We’ve got flood warnings all over the county. Due to a massive storm front we’re anticipating torrential winds and rains for at the least the next forty days and forty nights.
by Joseph Johnson 10- 22-2001