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    "Headline News"  Parental Advisorygenre: Folk
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    Due to the mature nature of it's content, this song may not be suitable for all members of the listening audience. Discretion is advised...
    CD: Non Sequitur (in production)   Label: Rockin' Doc Music
    Credits: Words and music by Ross D. Martin

    Story Behind the Song
    I came home early one afternoon, flipped on the TV while I was loading some laundry, and saw the Columbine High School tragedy unfolding before my eyes. The kids who had run out of the building - terrified - repeatedly said, "This kind of thing doesn't happen around here. It happens somewhere else." It seemed like the news was getting more dreadful each day. We were bombing Kosovo every night at the time. Then about two weeks after Columbine, a tornado ripped through my old neighborhood in Cincinnati, coming within about a quarter mile of my old home. That sort of thing never happens here...

    I wanted to find some answer to the hatred and anger I saw building around me. In the days following the attack on the World Trade Center (not too many blocks from where I now work), the song seemed even more relevant. This sort of thing happens here...

    Did you catch the news today?
    A couple idiots with guns blew some kids away
    In some other town - not very near
    That sort of thing never happens here
    You pull a stunt like that on one of my sons
    You'll be looking down the barrels of a couple guns
    Anyhow, I don't really care
    What happens over there

    'Cause it's not in my town, not in my life
    Not my kids and not my wife
    That devastation's in another place
    That look of pain is on somebody else's face
    Not in my house, not on my land
    They can all kill each other - I don't give a damn
    Set those guns ablaze - hell if I mind
    Just as long as they keep it on the other side of the line

    Did you catch the news today?
    A couple planes with bombs blew a town away
    In a far off land where idiots dwell
    As far as I'm concerned, they can all go to hell
    We should nuke 'em down to rubble and do it up right
    Maybe then I'll finally get some sleep at night
    Anyhow, I don't really care
    What happens over there

    As long as it's not in my town, not in my life
    Not my kids and not my wife
    That devastation's in another place
    That look of pain is on some other color face
    Not in my house, not on my land
    They can all kill each other - I don't give a damn
    Set those towns ablaze - hell if I mind
    Just as long as they keep it on the other side of the line

    Did you catch the news today?
    The wind spun in a rage and blew my house away
    Killed my kids - crushed my wife
    Now there's only rubble where I once had a life
    At night the looters came onto my land
    There was a massive black man with a spade in his hand
    And when he came to attack, I couldn't even rise
    Then he held out his hand and looked deep in my eyes

    He said, "We caught you on the news today
    So we packed up the car and drove most of the day
    We want to know what we can do
    To help pull you through
    The way I see it -
    This is my town, this is my life
    Those were my kids and that was my wife
    What happened here to bring you such sorrow
    Could be knocking on my door by this time tomorrow
    That was my house, this is my land
    What else could I do but lend a hand?
    We'll get to work - if you don't mind
    Sometimes you've just got to go across that line"

    Did you catch the news today?
    A flood of love washed a line away

    © 1999 Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA

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