Story Behind the Song
Song is about a man who is losing his women, because he never told her just how much he really loved her. His friend told him to "Give her the lowdown" before she really goes for good!
Some days I'm locked inside, I draw the blinds to hide the sun...Those days are to sit and think, don't want too talk, to anyone....And still I hear the phone, screen my calls there's only one...Voice I wish too hear, on the line, too come undone and to...GIVE her the lowdown, so please listen carefully to what I sayyyy...IT"s taken me quite sometime too formulate my thoughts this wayyyy...GIVE you the lowdown, and tell you all the things i'll do for you..Here's the lowdown baby, I'm so in love with you.!
For what I feel in me, I realize that I have done...Kept the truth inside, I did'nt speak, in that I hurt the one..I always truly felt, held my heart so gently in her hands....I come too realize, now here I am I'm just a lonely man, I've got too..
GIVE her the lowdown, so please listen carefully to what I sayyy..It's taken me quite sometime to formulate my thoughts this wayyy...Give you the lowdown, and tell you all the things I'll do for you, Here's the lowdown baby, I'm so in love with you--
I Can't imagine living life alone...So how did I end up in the dark, waiting, waiting, waiting by the give her the lowdown-doo--dooo--doooo....
Some days I'm locked inside, I draw the blinds too hide the sun...Those days are to sit and think, don't want too talk, to anyone..And still I hear the phone, screen my calls, there's only one, voice I wish too hear, on the line too come undone and too..--
GIVE her the lowdown, so pleas listen carefully to what I sayyy--It's taken me quite sometime to formulate my thoughts this wayyyyy---Give you the lowdown, and tell you all the things I'll do for you,--Here's the lowdown baby, I'm so in love with you--I'm so in love with you!!