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Did someone spike Bush with a truth drug? |
Credits: Poison Popcorn |
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The Phoney War in Afghanistan
the bottom line .....
The current "war" on Afghanistani terrorism is a misdirection and a hoax. As pointed out in the book "Black Gold Hot Gold" the oil expected to flow from the vast oilfields under the Russian Caspian Sea, discovered about 20 years ago remains undrilled and untapped. That field contains about 500 years worth of oil at present world consumption rates.
The only possible oil pipeline routes at the present time to handle the massive flow of oil from the Caspian Sea region under Chechnya is either through Kosovo to the Mediterranean Sea, or through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Indian Ocean. Two years ago, the Clinton administration attempted to place Kosovo under international control and begin pipeline construction, but was unable to complete the process.
The normal oil route would have been to move oil from Chechnya, across the Black Sea and through the Bosporus to the Mediterranean. But the narrow Bosporus channel is already clogged with oil tankers from the existing Black Sea oilfields. The only alternate is to move the tankers from the Black Sea, bypassing the Bosporus, up the Danube River and then through a very short pipeline across Kosovo to the Mediterranean at Tirana, Albania. That process was stopped by the Chinese who have supplied and armed the Albanians, as a client state, since 1949.
Following the Soviet discovery of the vast Chechen oilfields in the late 1970's, they attempted to take control of Afghanistan to provide a massive pipeline system to allow the Soviets to market their oil directly from the Afghan-Pakistan seaport. This resulted in the decades long Soviet-Afghan war. The Soviets were stopped by the U.S. supplied and armed insurgent groups, including Osama bin Laden, who defeated the Soviets in the late 1980's.
The Soviets had massively built up their military in the 1980's, including the world's largest nuclear submarine fleet, gambling on the huge profits to be made by selling their Chechen oil on the open market. When the Afghans under bin Laden, backed by the U.S. CIA stopped the construction of the Soviet-Afghan pipeline, the Soviet Union went through an economic collapse and ceased to exist in 1991.
The vast Chechen oilfield still remains fallow and untapped. As identified in "Black Gold Hot Gold," the Empire of Energy is now making a new attempt to market the Chechen oil by carpet bombing Afghanistan and building the Afghan pipeline.
George W. Bush's statement about declaring war on "terrorism" is obviously hollow and sallow. It strangely does not include the terrorists in Northern Ireland, nor even the terrorist suicide bombers among the Palestinians. Instead it makes an instant leap of logic to aim the U.S. military directly at Afghanistan.
The terrain in northern Afghanistan is the arid rugged foothills of the Himalayas known as the Hindu Kush and is defended by the large fierce tribal armies of the Northern Alliance who are excellent guerilla fighters with years of experience fighting Soviets, now backed by the Chinese, and not connected with the main Taliban government in Kabul. The Soviets spent over 10 years at great expense to attack and "carpet bomb" Afghanistan, but they found fortress Himalaya is impenetrable. The result was tremendous loss of Soviet lives and the economic collapse of the Soviet Union.
George Bush is now leading the United States down that same road. The Empire of Energy has for almost 100 years had as its goal the dismantling of the United States of America and amalgamating it into one large global energy market. They have found in George Bush a willing partner. Any war in Afghanistan would pit the U.S. against the Chinese who just last week, on the day of the Word Trade Center attack, signed a mutual pact with the Afghans.
In the last 50 years the U.S, has fought numerous wars against the Chinese, as in Korea, Vietnam and elsewhere. In those wars the result was always a draw with massive loss of life. Even high tech "smart" weapons in Kosovo were unable to defeat the Chinese. In the upcoming Afghan war with the Chinese, the U.S. will lose by simple attrition. Neither smart bombs nor nuclear bombs work against hidden terrorists or against fortress Himalaya. There are more Chinese soldiers in uniform than the whole population of the U.S.
Numerous recent news stories indicate the attack on the World Trade Center was known to the CIA and FBI weeks before the attack. Seemingly nothing was done. As for America, its panzers ran out of gas with the "strange" fraudulent election of November 2000. Both G.W. Bush and Al Gore were backed by the Empire of Energy, so it didn't matter for whom you voted. Americans have been anesthetized and put to sleep by their lack of knowledge of world history, as America disintegrates.
The many news events of this last weekend are all overshadowed by the attack by the US military on Afghanistan. But this story is actually anti-climactic and a misdirection. The real story was released last Thursday by US National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice when she announced that as a result of the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center, Russia has become "the first and most active" partner of the United States.
The importance of Rice's statement was missed by all the other news services, who merely reported it without comment, or never reported it at all. They never really understood what it meant. Also in the last week, many BroJon readers wrote to ask, "Didn't you misspell the word 'phoney' in the article 'DISMANTLING OF AMERICA - The Phoney War in Afghanistan'?" The answer to that question and the question of the importance of Rice's statement are both answered in the upcoming article, "THE WORLD IN CHECKMATE — The Phoney War in Afghanistan (Part 2)."
(Note: the following was previously sent to the members of the BroJon Digest mail list, a select group who wish to stay days or weeks ahead of the news as reported by other news sources.)
Just for BROJON DAILY DIGEST READERS, here's a quick preview peek at a portion of "The World in Checkmate" which answers both questions:
... It is a reference to the "Phoney War" that occurred in southern France in 1939. While Hitler was invading Poland in the east, the British and the French were lulled into taking no action. The Germans had just invaded the mountainous Alsace Lorraine region on the border with France in a region unprotected by the massive WWI-inspired Maginot Line wall fortress, which ran all along the border between Germany and France, except in the rugged foothills of the Alps at the very southern end.
The German soldiers in the Alsace Lorraine would take occasional pot shots across the border at the French, and the French simply returned the fire. There were no casualties in this "war." The "phoney war" went on for months from September 1939 to May 1940, while the world's newspaper headlines screamed of the invasion of Poland in the East. The French and British were fooled into thinking Germany was no threat to the western countries. Then suddenly, while nobody seems to have been looking, the vast German tank armies burst through the Arden Forest around the top of the Maginot line where it ends at Belgium, and within just two weeks swallowed up almost all of western Europe.
Thus the occasional pot shot action by the Germans in the Alsace Lorraine was called the "Phoney War," using the British spelling. Obviously the Germans were creating a misdirection and a hoax at the southern end of the Maginot Line, during the massive invasion of Poland in the east, while in fact they were massing a huge army, the largest invasion force then ever conceived, at the northern end in the Ruhr Valley next to Belgium in the west.
By the subtitle "The Phoney War in Afghanistan" I am referring to the similarity with the misdirection and hoax played by the Germans at the beginning of WWII. It is clear the same game is being played now. With the massing of the fleets and planes in the Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf, and Indian Ocean, all aimed at burnoosed Muslims in caves in the rugged mountains of Afghanistan, the American media, along with President Bush are misdirecting the public from the real world events now occurring ..…
And what are those events that are being covered up by the screaming headlines about the U.S. military attack on Afghanistan?
The visits, just before the Afghan attacks, by Britain's Prime Minister Blair and US Secretary of State, Powell to Russia to form a "new alliance" against terror, and the visits by Defense Secretary Rumsfeld to the many minor middle east Muslim states indicates a major shift is occurring right now in world power and alliances. President Bush's call to all the world's nations two weeks ago of, "Either you are with us or with the terrorists," is an arcane code for "Either you are with the US or with the Chinese." The new power division in the world will no longer be East vs West, implying US vs USSR, but is now the US and Russia combined vs China.
Many of the smaller middle eastern states and the many old soviet Asian republics (the xx-istans), which are on the line of choosing between alliance with the US or with China, are being forced to decide in the next week or so. The purpose for moving all the aircraft carriers, planes and soldiers to the Mediterranean, Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean is to be in place while US ambassadors question the leaders of all those smaller states, "So, are you with us or with the terrorists?" And all the while, half the US military, five aircraft carrier war groups, fleets of B-52 bombers, squadrons of fighters, cruise missiles and masses of soldiers, along with fusillades of 18 inch naval destroyer guns are all aimed down their throats. How do you think the leaders of those countries are going to answer? Especially while all around them bombs are falling in Afghanistan.
And now you know the reason for such a massive military force buildup surrounding the middle east, using smoke and mirrors to fool the public into thinking they are going to shoot up some caves in Afghanistan. What is going on right now is a major realignment of all the alliances of the whole world, not anything to do with chasing burnoosed arabs in the desert.
And what is the name of this new alignment of world powers? It was announced publicly by the first President George Bush, about 19 times in his speeches way back in 1989 and 1990. It is the "New World Order." Most conspiracy theorists have mistakenly assumed the term "New World Order" means the establishment of a new One World power elite. Not so! The one world power elite has already long been established, going back to the late 1930's. That is the international "Empire of Energy."
No, the term "New World Order" does not refer to any group or power elite in the world, but instead refers to a new ordering or alignment of world alliances. All during the Cold War from 1950 to 1991 the world was aligned into East vs West, or USSR vs the US. All other countries were forced to choose alliance with either East or West.
The establishment of the "New World Order" is a new set of alliances based on North vs South, or Russia with the United States combined as a Northern Alliance against the Southern countries lead by China. The key to understanding the New World Order is that the coming new world economy is no longer based on gold or oil, but based on the ownership of the nuclear energy fuel, Plutonium, refined from Uranium ore.
In 1991 the world was in transition to the new economy. This meant the combining of the old USSR and America as a new union based on their sole ownership of the only stockpiles of plutonium. Neither China nor any other country has their own raw supply of nuclear fuel. The purpose of the Cold War was the scooping up of all the world's Uranium sources under the guise of Cold War national security. Once all the world's Uranium ore had be mined and processed, there was no longer a need for a "cold war" and it was time for a "new world order."
For the USSR the New World Order meant the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. For the US it means the reaction of the populace to the attack on the World Trade Center, and announcing to the shocked and easily fooled public the formation of a new alliance with Russia, supposedly against terrorism in 2001. In 1989, I had predicted in numerous articles and radio interviews that the USSR and the US would soon combine as a new union against China. Very few people believed me then. With Condoleeza Rice's statement showing a new realignment with Russia, this combination of the old USSR and the US into an expanded NATO or Northern Hemisphere Alliance is a fait accompli.
This New World Order is based on the transition from an old world economy based on oil, "black gold," to a new world economy based on Plutonium, "hot gold." And thus the reason for the title of the book, BLACK GOLD HOT GOLD. The book is the documentary narrative of the wars leading to the establishment of the old world order based on oil in the 20th century, and the transition to the coming new world order based on Plutonium in the 21st century. Understanding of the past allows for easy vision of the future.
(Is Much of the Eastern U.S. Now an Irradiated No Man's Land
with Anthrax as a Cover-up?)
The Phoney War in Afghanistan (Part 3)
(BJNews, October 26, 2001) I just today had a phone conversation with my father who is a senior nuclear engineer and international expert on radiation and nuclear reactors. He was on the investigative teams at the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear disasters. In the early 1970's, he was the corporate manager of all GE nuclear sites including Three Mile Island, so he knows the facilities and their operations quite well.
I discussed with him my scenario for WTC terrorist pilot Muhammed Atta's complaint to his local pharmacist in Boca Raton, Florida, about his red burning itchy hands, just a week before the attack: it might have been due to radiation burns, and not due to anthrax. Investigators have confirmed from the Florida pharmacist that it was not anthrax, but... Atta may have divided up about a pound of powdered plutonium into four separate vials to be taken aboard each of the four hijacked planes. This would account for his red itchy radiation burned hands. That made sense to my father.
My investigational hypothesis is that if the four planes carried a pound of plutonium, then the plutonium would have been burned or oxidized during the World Trade Center attack into a very fine white ash of plutonium oxide and would have spread in the smoking plumes from the flaming twin towers in the first two hours before they collapsed.
One clue that this may have happened is that the recovery crews for the fourth plane which crashed in a field in Pennsylvania without burning, were hazmat crews. And none of the public or news services had been allowed near that crash site.
Obtaining raw powdered plutonium, given enough money, is quite easy in the dark world of terrorist countries or groups who are desiring to use plutonium to build small nuclear weapons, but they do not yet have the scientific tools or technology to complete the construction. It takes several pounds of plutonium, plus other special items, to build a nuclear bomb. In the meantime, world nuclear watchers would agree that somehow certain terrorist groups do have about a pound of raw plutonium, obtained from various sources, which in a burning airplane can be a powerful weapon to "salt the earth" of America and render large portions of the U.S. permanently uninhabitable.
That amount of plutonium would have been spread across thousands of square miles of the northeast U.S. and Washington DC areas and would be a long-term (1000 years or so) health hazard. My father agreed with all that, but also assumed that somebody would have already discovered the increase in radiation. I asked "but who?" and he did not have a good answer.
He assumed that there are many agencies and laboratories where people wear radiation dosimeters, have sensitive radiation detectors and they would have noticed the increase in radiation. When I again asked where and who, he did not have a good answer. He said Brookhaven Labs in New York might have seen it. But I said Brookhaven was not under the smoke plume and they would not notice such a radiation increase until it traveled all the way around the earth with the prevailing winds and arrived back in New York several months later. He agreed.
So maybe there was nobody to notice. During the horrible destructive explosion and fire at Chernobyl there was actually only a small amount of plutonium which escaped from the flaming reactor. Most of it was captured and covered in a permanent cement tomb. But still much of the large region downwind from Chernobyl is a permanent no man's land. If a pound of plutonium had been sent into the atmosphere during the WTC attack it would produce a massively larger worldwide effect than the Chernobyl event.
I explained to him that local hazmat people in New York around ground zero would never see the radiation since the smoke plume went upward at 3,000 feet above the ground and drifted away from the burning towers to the northeast along with the wind. The main radioactive plutonium ash plume would not have started to fall until 10 or 15 miles away. And that is assuming the hazmat people were even looking for radiation and not just biotech health hazards like asbestos. Probably the first people to notice the possible massive killer irradiation of the U.S. northeast would be the European labs, who about now would start to see a rapid increase in radiation coming across the Atlantic Ocean.
In the meantime, if anybody in the U.S. government had suspected, which is what I suspect, that there might have been a massive radiation event, such as those workers who cleared the Pennsylvania crash site, this should have required a quick and permanent evacuation of millions of people from the U.S. northeast, and also around Washington DC and areas eastward from the Pentagon. This sudden shock to the U.S. government and populace would create a far greater panic and fear than the original WTC attack and even the current hoax of an anthrax bio-attack.
To indicate that the current anthrax hoax is possibly part of a cover-up of the aftermath of a more terrible WTC 9-11 event, I would note that the symptoms of being under a plutonium cloud with very fine radiation particles raining down, would include: (1) lesions on the skin of the head, neck, face and hands where particles have landed, (2) pneumonia-like filling of the lungs where particles have been inhaled and (3) general weakness, nausea, vomiting of blood and severe intestinal distress where the radiation particles have landed on food or water which is ingested
Strangely, those exact same set of three symptoms are the CDC's protocol for identifying those who are suspected of having contracted either (1) cutaneous, (2) inhalation or (3) gastro-intestinal anthrax. And that is right from the CDC's own MMWR Oct 19, 2001 report for the definition of diagnosing confirmed cases of anthrax.
Another most strange coincidence is that Muhammed Atta was in Boca Raton just a week before the air hijacking attacks on buildings in New York and Washington DC. And then within just weeks after the 9-11 attack, a sudden outbreak of rare anthrax among humans occurs where? In Boca Raton, New York and Washington DC. In the world of scientific analysis, this may be just a strange coincidence, or it may be the unique exception that proves the rule.
Just this morning I received today's CDC October 26 Anthrax update. I analyzed the medical diagnosis for each of the "suspected" and "confirmed" cases of anthrax and I can easily show that quite possibly none of those people contracted or died from anthrax infection. And that is according to the CDC's second definition of what constitutes a "confirmed" case.
----------- Marshall Smith
Editor, BroJon Gazette
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