Story Behind the Song
To Bull McCabe the Field is his life. But now it is to be sold by public auction. When an American bids for the land against Bull, the stage is set for a fearful confrontation that both men are determined to win. With both the land and their livelihood at stake, Bull and his son attempt to frighten off the American. It's a battle that they can´t afford to lose. For the Field holds a dark secret that must be protected at any cost.
Bull McCabe was a callous man,
that is a poor, poor show.
who killed a snobbish young american,
that is a poor, poor show.
A dark and rainy night where two men had their fight
on a muddy field, the rain came down, a river flew aside.
In the end the elder man left the field alone
that is a poor, poor show.
His whole life Bull had worked on his own acre of land,
that is a poor, poor show.
But he was just a tenant, a point he´ll never understand
that is a poor, poor show.
More than fifty years he was ploughing very hard
got bloody hands of rough stones, old cattle pulled the cart.
But as he tried to buy his ground he was outbid by the yank´,
that is a poor, poor show.
The day the public auction came the murder, it was done,
that is a poor, poor show.
The people wandered where the young american have been gone
that is a poor, poor show.
Sundays in the church they where praying for their souls
and everyone had realized how Bull had reached his goal.
Their eyes went to the pulpit where the piest shouts out the words:
that is a poor, poor show.
But only for a few days the cover-up existed
that is a poor, poor show.
McCabe got mad, put all his cattle, vanished in the mist
that is a poor, poor show.
At the cliffs he drove a hundred cows into death
The bodys crashed into the sea that swallowed all the mess.
´Till the end of his own life Bull fought against the waves,
that is a poor, poor show.