Destructive environment, our enemies will fall. Empty without feeling, indiscriminate wall. Hunter of fortune, exploit the virtuous soul. Generous displays of pain hurting down below. Torture drank up greedily, the wayward ways of pain. Argument intensifies, debating the inane. Suffer in solitude, I can feel the hate, welling up inside my mind, the pain instigates – Capture. / Blessed contempt, call in your backup. Hungry for purity, slash it all up. Defile the sacred soul, awash in your brilliance. Torturing the pure of heart offers no resistance. Your agenda is sound, no escape from the plan, feeding off the vulnerability of man. Deception is no excuse, perverse self interest. An ever-growing need to pervert and possess – Obstruct. / No release from this abnormality. Raging virus impedes our sanity. Subterfuge overcome – forward momentum. Cataclysmic waste in the interim. / Not without sense with deadly intention. Selecting prey, the chosen will join your downfall. Tepid affection we desire contemplation. Victim stance, feverish war dance at beck and call. / Compassion strewn, insolence follows hapless victims. Shedding skin, your true form destroys the senses. Self-interest, guide and herd the cattle in to the slaughter, my rebirth with broken defenses.