Matthew Lawrence
I know I must have been crazy to think of passin’ you by
The first time I laid my eyes upon you, when we first met,
Who’d ever think that we would ever end up spending every waking minute together?
No matter what the weather was outside, cause inside of our hearts,
When we started to cherish, the very presence of each other when we met up for whatever the reason,
We joined together for a movie, maybe to the batting cadges to hit a few, me and you
And my cousins would kick it, not knowin’ that my future wife
Was right in front of my face without a trace or a clue, you knew,
That I was yours for the takin’, forsaken is what I did, with the mind of a kid,
That was soon to be forgiven
By the love that you shared but impaired
Was my feelings dealing with a transition of interaction,
To what I’m normally accustom with,
I spit this rhyme from an angle of thankin’ God for my angel…
Angel…sent straight down from God above,
Asked me how I knew it was love,
Cause you are my angel…
This messenger of love that was given to me, which is you, from the heavenly realms,
I found lessons to be learned,
From discernment in the wisdom that was granted
Through our Pastor Richard Gow, how I knew me and you
Were truly meant to be together through the thickest and thin,
You’ve been the one for me to take in for myself from the beginnin’,
This is not a line I’m feeding you to be flattered,
No matter what the circumstances were before we first met, this is evident,
I’m made for the purpose of your happiness,
However I could cleverly sweep you into my arms,
Carry you into the sunset,
Meet every need that would complete you in life and the thereafter in Christ, in God,
Then nod off into eternity, with no regrets,
We made the best out of the worst in perseverance,
For the clearance of this holiest action to take place;
To enter into the presence of His face.
So I would ask that you would understand exactly how I feel;
Totally head over heals, for my love will overspill into your life,
As my wife, you will be indeed,
To raise the children that we both want together in this marriage,
From their carriage to a college we will raise them in the likeness
Of our God and use the rod of discipline if when needed,
We need to be consistently with in the business of our Father,
And bother not each other with concerns in life,
That brings strife on a daily basis in the household,
We need to mold and make our love within the form of perfection,
With the warmth of affection I know that we will last a lifetime,
Stable to the end, spending all that I have out of myself,
To fulfill the man of your dreams,
Always listen to you and to do the right things,
So as I look into those eyes that are beautifully blue,
I know that you and you alone are the one I love true.
ending with chorus:
When I found you I was blessed to get to know you better,
Now that I have you I know life just couldn’t get much better…(repeats)