Story Behind the Song
Actually, this was inspired by a Tom Petty song. I liked the beat and incorporated it into this song. The story line is a little of me as I was in High School - Shy, couldn't dance, afraid of rejection.
It's a story teller song in that it tells the story of a shy guy who is encouraged by an outgoing pretty girl to be her boyfriend.
I like O'Henry type twists so this song has one.
I came up with part of the chorus while experimenting with the riff and it took two months to finally sit down and force myself to write the rest of the song. I was lucky that after sitting down it flowed quite easily.
He was a young boy who had never been kissed,
She was a High School beauty queen,
She had the look that he could not resist,
He was too shy to make the scene,
He caught her eye at the high school dance,
She was looking for a new romance,
She walked right up to him and asked him out on the floor,
He said,"I can't! I've never danced before."
She said,
"Don't be afraid of the water,
Cause you can always learn to swim,
Don't be afraid of the water,
Stop wasting time boy and just jump in."
They saw each other at the new movie show,
She said, "Why don't you sit with me?"
They walked the isle as the lights dimmed low,
It took some time to find a seat,
She put the popcorn upon her knee,
It was so dark that he could not see,
He reached for popcorn got her hand instead,
He tried to let go but she just smiled and said:
They graduated and began their careers,
Their future as bright as it could be,
They stayed together for a couple of years,
Their love was plain for all to see,
They met for dinner at their favorite haunt,
By candle light in the restaraunt,
He popped the question as he gave her the ring,
She said, "I'm scared. I need some time to think."
So he said:
Don't be afraid of the water,
You can always learn to swim,
Don't be afraid of the water,
Stop wasting time girl and just jump in."