Story Behind the Song
This song was written when I was alone one night, staring out my window, and watching the rain, and I could see the stars at the same time, quite weird. the lyrics are pretty self explanitory. it took about 5 minuites to write, and ony recorded it one time. i hope someone enjoys it
All is looking bad again,
I wonder where I lost all my friends,
Out there in the distance I see a light,
And it cries on me again.
What am I going for in this world of mine,
Never knowing where to go in the world of mine,
I see all my friends again, and they,
Don't even recognize me.
Whats the matter with my "self"
Whats the matter with my "Life"
Where did I go wrong again this time?
Is it my last goodbye?
Wondering what takes me here,
Will this pain ever Dissapate, or Dissapear,
Will it ever go away, or am i stuck,
Right here, for the rest of my Life?
Whats going on in the world today,
that I just can't stand to bare.
Will there be a way to fix this feeling inside of me,
or, Am I Just A Lonely Man?