If I had a helmet, I'd be everywhere.
Everyone would be smoking up or feeling
a piece of my rage. I'd be a one man
demolition team taking on all the countless oats that need to be sowed. I'd be fire on the darkest night, leading the way for all those that haven't yet seen the light.
Carnal superstar and one good lay.
If I had a helmet, there'd be cause for major alarm. There'd be a new test for the
emergency broadcasting system. Why, there might not be enough time to alert the masses about my so-called arrival. I'd be a loose cannon shooting holes through the fibers of their very senses, and when all is said and done, I'll walk out the door like it's been done to me a hundred times before.
Carnal superstar and one good lay.
I got youth and I got speed,
I got the finest set any woman could need, but if I had a helmet, I'd be all the rage,
I'd be a carnal superstar and one good lay.