Story Behind the Song
This piece was inspired by a poem my son wrote for school about 5 years ago and put to music by myself and my good friend Tim Betts. I wanted the witch hunt story to be a metaphor for how even today we still persecute others for the crime of just being different.
It was a dark dreadful night when a cat, full of powerful evil stalked the town of Plymouth, Massachusetts.
The people of Plymouth had just built a settlement in the wilderness after their long voyage.
The date is December 13th, 1702, and a witch hunt is about to begin.
But they do not know that they are burning the innocent.
The real witch is that black cat with shining eyes that glow in the darkness,
the witch moving from place to place, owner to owner, never getting caught with even the smallest suspicion.
But I, I know the truth. I, just a common blacksmith knows the truth about that cat.
But alas, no one will ever know, because I have also fallen under the spell of that cat,
condemned to the life of a rat in a cage, my owner being burned to the stake for a crime
he did not commit.
Why do they watch you with suspicious eyes
Why do they be so quick to criticize
Is it the way you look or what you say
You know you dont belong
You know that youre not one of them
Why cant they just leave you alone
Just another case of mistaken identity
Is someone following you close behind
A shadow in the fog you cannot find
The evil is so real but its not you
And now your judgments come
But the jokes on everyone
When they become the very thing they fear
Just another case of mistaken identity.