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    "Rarely Red (For Lea)"genre: Folk Rock
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    Piano, Strings, and Vocals. This is my first take at my first try recording, in other words, a scratch track. I haven't had time to do anything else yet. This is a one take recording that happened on a fluke, so the vocals are somewhat off. I got a chance to add some strings which give the song a little more demension. I would say this song is kinda folk rock with a little bit of soul. It's a pleasant song with a bit of an edge. I hope you like it. Note: There will be better in the future. There is also a story behind the song if you are interested in reading it. Enjoy!
    Credits: Music and vocal melody by Season, Words by Lea Dennis

    Story Behind the Song
    This is a song that started as a poem by my best friend, Lea Dennis.

    Back when I first began songwriting, I was living with my Grandmother, just around the corner from Lea. She brought the poem over to my place one day along with some others. I liked it and told her it seemed very lyrical. I told her I thought it would make a good song. She didn't like the poem much. She said I could use it if I wanted to, but didn't seem confident in it at all. Of course, I just had to write a song with it... For Lea... So... I composed some music and worked on a vocal line for it. I changed very little about the words except the title. It was origionally called A Love Let Go, but considering the way the song turned out, I thought that taking some words from the chorus fit better. I was pleased with the arrangement.

    I called Lea on the phone one day, once the song was finished. I said "Hey, I have something for you. Why don't you come over." Since she lived so close, she just walked right over. I played the song on my Grandmother's baby grand piano and sang it for her.

    When I turned around to see how she liked it, she was foggy eyed. Of course, then I got foggy eyed... and so on and so forth.

    Lea and I agreed on the new title, Rarely Red.

    Years later, I did some strings, bass, and backing vocals for a friend who insisted I hear myself doing my own stuff and sat me down to record. I put up a fuss, but finally did it. I didn't know what song to do, so I let him pick. He had heard a set I played the night before at an open mic and chose a song from it. I only did one take and didn't bother to re do it because we didn't have time. The vocals need to be re done but the music turned out nice. Not bad for a first shot. The song he chose was Rarely Red.

    Rarely Red

    You haven't passed away from me
    When I pass back through these spaces
    I can hear you in me my memory
    You linger in quiet traces

    I re-walk through our moments
    I can feel you though the sand
    And when I touch the evening breeze
    I know you hold my hand

    And I think of how I loved you
    And how I never said
    I hope you knew anyway tho my blue
    Was rarely red

    I know now that you've changed me
    You're a solid in my thought
    They say sincerest feeling
    Is that which sadness brought

    But I strive to hold you differently
    Than with tears and bitterness
    I'd rather drink warm memory
    Of close concerned caress

    I'd rather dream and daydream
    Of sweetness not sorrow
    This is how I keep you
    The love that I let go

    This is how I keep you
    The love that I let go

    ~Words Lea Dennis
    ~Music and arrangement by Season

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