Story Behind the Song
In this Burns song the young man is admitting to his girl that he has nothing to offer her but his love.We are led to expect that the girl will say she loves him, as he is expressing his feelings so beautifully. The melody is an old Scottish air.
O gin I were a Baron's heir.
O gin I were a Baron's heir,
And could I braid wi' gems your hair,
And mak' ye braw as ye are fair,
Lassie, wad ye lo'e me?
And could I tak' ye tae the toun,
And show ye braw sichts, mony a ane,
And busk ye fine in silken goon,
Lassie, wid ye lo'e me?
Or should ye be content to prove,
In lowly life unfading love
A heart that nocht on earth could move,
Lassie wad ye lo'e me?
And ere the laverock wing the sky,
Say wad ye tae the forest hie,
And work wi' me sae merrily,
Lassie, wid ye lo'e me?
An' when the braw moon glistens owre
Oor wee bit bield an' heathery mair,
Will ye no' greet that we're sae puir,
Lassie, for I lo'e ye.
For I hae nocht tae offer ye,
Nae gowd frae mine, nae pearl frae sea,
Nor am I come o' high degree,
Lassie, but I lo'e ye.
gin - if
braw - bonnie
lassie - girl
lo'e - love
toun - town
busk - dress up
goon - gown
laverock - lark
bield - shelter
gowd - gold
mair - moor