Story Behind the Song
As with some of the other songs on this EP, this one is about moving on and away. The person that this is to has a grand love of Walt Whitman's work, and was the first person to ever introduce me to the great gray poet as well (so let all the homoerotic rumors start). I'll never be as smooth with words as old Walt....maybe it has something to do with the somewhat abrasive punk music that my words are arraged to. Ah well.... -Ron
There's a pain in my heart and it won't subside and everytime you're far it gets amplified;
I don't leave for another two weeks and I already miss you.
Well, I don't have the eloquence that Whitman had; I try to say nice things and they come out bad
but, as always you don't mind. It means the same to you.
Three hours and two hundred miles away, I don't want to go; I wish that I could stay
but I'm afraid there isn't any way to stay and end up here, and so I'll say;
there's no way around; this just has to be done. A promise to you, probably more than one:
plenty of future time to you, me, and fun but time draws close and I have to say:
There's a pain in my heart and it won't subside and everytime you're far it gets amplified;
I don't leave for another two weeks and I already miss you.
Well, I don't have the eloquence that Whitman had; I try to say nice things and they come out bad
but, as always you don't mind. It means the same to you.
We've walked a while, we've kept each other around,
made the most of our time together in this town;
always up, but feeling a bit down; I'm not looing forward to not having you around.
The last trip up, the last trip down to the pub, the last time glasses clink, and the elbows rub;
the time, the distance, but you and I will rise above
through friendship, through caring, and, oh, through all the love.
Forgetting here would mean forgetting you; not only that, but I'd forget who I am too,
so I'll go off and do what I have to do. Whoever I am, I'm always gonna include you.
I'll stay on track, stay away from all the wrong, never forget exactly where I belong.
The sights, the lights, the faces, and all the songs I'm leaving, but I'll try not to be there long.
There's a pain in my heart and it won't subside and everytime you're far it gets amplified;
I don't leave for another two weeks and I already miss you.
Well, I don't have the eloquence that Whitman had; I try to say nice things and they come out bad
but, as always you don't mind. It means the same to you.