Story Behind the Song
I've been doing a great deal of moving about in the past year or so, as attending grad school can be a fairly unstable process. The entire time that I've been moving around, though, there has always been one specific source of light that I keep an eye out for. This song, as many others are, is about my best friend, and the security he adds to my life simply by putting up with the likes of me- Ron
Well the top, mid, and the bottom decks are packed, all filled up and stuffed with dingy sacks.
No fear for supplies, there is no lack; I'm casting off the familiar mainland.
I've said goodbye to all my friends and tied up the last of the loose ends;
now for myself I'll have to fend. I'm leaving all the familiar sand
and all the breakers are coming in. I hope that together we'll see them again,
though not for awhile -- my trip will begin and I'm going to miss your friendly hand.
There's a place that I have to go; I'm not quite sure that I know
exactly where I'm going to row or how the sea will scar and tan
but only for a brief while, I will not see your kind smile; I'll captain this damn ship if I have too.
Single handedly, I'll sail the whole way across the sea until my journey takes me right back to you.
So bow to the north, pull the anchor in and hoist up the sails, let them catch the wind.
It'll be quite some time 'till I'm here again but when I come back I will be here to stay.
Of all the things I take from this place, I'm going to miss the sight of your face.
Your spot in my life cannot be replaced. I'll still keep you close in my normal way:
I'll watch you until the shore's out of sight; on every single lonely night
I'll thin of you to get me through this fight and smile as I think about the day
that all my travels will be done, you and I can get back to fun,
when n'er again I will have to run. I'm pledging to you I'll come back someday.
but only for a brief while, I will not see your kind smile; I'll captain this damn ship if I have too.
Single handedly, I'll sail the whole way across the sea until my journey takes me right back to you.
Though the strong see intimidates, to wind I can't cast my fate.
Our bond is worth any wait, that is the truth.
I'll be heading back across the sea, the air so salty-hard to breath,
until I finally see the lighthouse of you.
but only for a brief while, I will not see your kind smile; I'll captain this damn ship if I have too.
Single handedly, I'll sail the whole way across the sea until my journey takes me right back to you.
Though the strong see intimidates, to wind I can't cast my fate.
Our bond is worth any wait, that is the truth.
I'll be heading back across the sea, the air so salty-hard to breath,
until I finally see the lighthouse of you.