Story Behind the Song
Meditation on the idea of God singing by, about and/or because of His children.
The Almighty God, the Father of all,
The great Lord of Glory, our Creator,
Rejoices with singing from His great mighty throne,
Rejoices with singing over His children.
He rejoices with singing when a sinner comes home,
When a sinner comes home to the Savior.
For repenting sinners can be changed into saints,
Made ready to go home to Glory.
The Father and the Son for centuries of time,
For thousands of years were together.
The companionship of ages, the fellowship sublime,
The love that they shared was eternal.
But, God loved us so much that He gave His Son to die.
And Jesus gave Himself for our salvation,
So repenting sinners could be changed into saints,
Made ready to go home to Glory.
The Lord is our Father and Heaven is our home,
But too many of His children are not ready.
So, accept of His love as you give yourself to Him,
And, He'll give Himself to you now and forever.
Reach out to your brothers, invite them to come home,
Invite them to come home to His mercy,
For repenting sinners can be changed into saints,
Made ready to go home to Glory.
Soon Christ and the angels will descend from the skies
To take all God's children home to Glory.
Around the Father's throne, they'll rejoice in His love,
We'll thrill to hear again redemption's story.
I want to hear the singing of angels and of saints,
But most of all, I want to hear the Father,
I want to hear the songs that He sang for us all,
When as sinners we came home to His mercy.