Story Behind the Song
One of my favorite arrangements. I really enjoyed working with the melody on this song. It offered many chances to explore different textures. Dan Zigler plays piano on this performance. The sax solo at the end is dynamite and explosive, and every time I listen to this performance I keep wishing the song didn't have to end.
Transform Me Now
© by Elton Smith & Dan Zigler
Transform me now,
Transform my life,
Holy Spirit come and take control!
All of my life,
Waiting to serve You,
Be my Lord of All!
Transform my heart,
Transform my soul,
Turn me into the perfection of Christ.
Surrendering all
Nothing held back,
Jesus here's my life!
I know that when I'm on my knees, Lord
You come to me in the quietest way
With Your loving Spirit
You fill the void I have inside!
And then when I begin to falter
I pray to you with a new kind of faith
Knowing that you're always
A simple word of pray'r away.
Transform me now,
Transform my life,
Holy Spirit come and take control!
All of my life
Waiting to serve You,
Be my Lord of All!
Transform my heart,
Transform my soul,
Turn me into the perfection of Christ.
Surrendering all,
Nothing held back,
Jesus here's my life.
Teach me to be a soul with courage!
Bold with the truth
And a symbol of love,
Filled with humble Spirit,
A longing with the lost to share.
Help me to sanctify my life, Lord,
Holy and pure
And a life without sin
Let me be Your servant
May I go gladly where You send.
Transform me now,
Transform my life,
Holy Spirit come and take control!
All of my life,
Waiting to serve You,
Be my Lord of All!
Transform my heart,
Transform my soul,
Turn me into the perfection of Christ.
Surrendering all,
Nothing held back,
Jesus here's my life!
Surrendering all,
Nothing held back
Jesus here's my life!
Jesus here's my life!