Story Behind the Song
Sometimes, when people possess an obscene amount of money, but lack the maturity to appreciate it, they think it gives them a license to be an a**hole.
Ivy League Material
(Lyrics Copyright (c) 2001 Aftertaste)
I collect exotic pets, designer sweater around my neck
classic cars, fine cigars, a wet bar on my private jet
fly to France for wine and cheese, stop to shop in Italy
I canıt see how you believe the finest things in life are free
got a twelve o'clock tee time
shoot under par on the front nine
and I tell a joke or two
ladyıs man, lothario, with a fat portfolio
candlelight, a perfect night, with Mozart on the stereo
waited on hand and foot by my butler, maid, and cook
persian rugs, country clubs, what I couldn't buy I took
happy hour starts at five
cocktail parties are my life
and now an anecdote or two
Ph.D. in poly-sci
passed the Bar on my first try
got my own license to fly
joined the club one mile high
handed everything in life
never tasted humble pie
well I suppose the joke's on you