rode the train down to new orleans, went from there to jacksonville. didn't know where i'd go from there. had a one way ticket to where ever my heart desired - my heart was to be near you. but somehow i've ended up in a land where children run free. that's how it seems but it's not true. no, they're not free at all. freedom is understanding all there is in knowing one's self, and freedom is coming back to you one day.
rode the train out to philly. welcome wagon was broken down, broken down and in need of repair. but i'll go back another day - another time, should've stopped off in savannah, the garden of good and evil. had a one way ticket. but somehow i've ended up in a land where children run free. that's how it seems but it's not true. no, they're not free at all. freedom is understanding all there is in knowing one's self and freedom is coming back to you one day, one day.
got a ride out to texas - houston's too big of a town, and it takes forever to get there.
when i travel again i'll be traveling back to you with a one way ticket, one day, one day. but somehow i've ended up in a land where children run free. that's how it seems but it's not true. no, they're not free at all.
freedom is understanding all there is in knowing one's self, and freedom is coming back to you one day.
rode the train down to new orleans, went from there to jacksonville.