Story Behind the Song
The work speaks for itself.
You think we're crazy,
You think we're delerious,
It really isn't funny cause we're all damn serious
We did rape your mom,
we did kill your cat,
we gave it to your brother with a mother fuckin bat
Look at me now
that look in your eyes
the truth hurts don't it
you thought they were lies
but every word you ever heard from this mouth is true
the worst thing is,
we're coming after you
Yo resperator,
hey old man -
I gotcher money in my pocket and your
dick in my hand, I'm like the ripper
-bitch- sticker
tell it to the mace,
I'm a raw motherfucker you're a (fuckin discrace)x3
"and that's how they played it sucka!"
hop on this cock granny don't be shy-
fuck you old bastard you will die
that's right, yes I stole, deep into the bus I stole- into the hand bag, into the night sack, yes i yes i stole, deep into the bus in back I stole - yes i yes i stole
yes i yes i stole
note: there's more