Story Behind the Song
boredom. joy and pain, sunshine. holiday in breakfast table. 2 years. over 300.†
"Put 'em all in the boxes and join at the hip", yelled the captain.
A thick sheet of stinging cold rain separated the workers out on the deck from the captain.
The captain was frustrated by the position he had risen to. The result of many hard years s pent scaling fish and de-eyeballing the catch of the day.
Boy oh boy, how clearly he could remember those days. A young teenager exhilarated by the spray of the ocean and the salt on his big but unseasoned hands.
The anticipation, the camaraderie, ev en the boredom, it all seemed so clear.
He can remember it like it was yesterday, but when he glanced into the cracked and beaten mirror as the boat bucked and shifted, he was reminded that the memories were from many yesterdays, many yesteryears ago.
O f course, these memories sparked his emotions … the nostalgia of it all. With each glimpse into the mirror, as he grabbed the overhanging rope to steady himself, it was like a faded Polaroid. Each glimpse, a snapshot into his past. The time down near H atteras, where his prawn net snapped, and a week's work slowly sank to the bottom of what, up until then, he thought was his friend.
He learned of the power and the beauty, as well as the angry awesomeness of the sea.
He was proud to have the life expe rience, the opportunity, to gain a perspective on the world that the majority of the rest of the world would never be part of … nor even appreciate.
As the wind and rain calmed, the worker's voices could be heard more clearly. Faint slices of conversations came over the dock and landed at the captains feet.
Oh that worldliness, that excitement, the brilliance of youth. He knew they respected him.
The captain glanced back into the mirror. The boat was rocking less now, he could see himself clearly now.
There was a four inch section of the mirror that was not marred buffed or scratched. He could see his eyes in this section. His eyes, alone, framed by his obscured surroundings.