Story Behind the Song
It was a happy night at the local military bar and on the way home an act of agression and intensified the memory of past tender moments .
The Chocolate Mountains gypsum deep sea fishing up. When they broke up the ring of pimps, innocent bystanders didn’t get away. Daniel handed me the rifle as the crickets were lined up at the edge of the cliff. The snitch was moved to another room and she, brand-new, slept alone one last time.
He grabbed me by the neck and squeezed hard. The Chocolate Mountains behind, always in sight. A jet plane crashed. The pilot didn’t eject. The sergeant had three children and a wife and the Colorado River was warm as the earth at its shores. Sinking down, sinking in, the car engine cooling.
The flap flipped, HélEne. Sicks Us.
Meetings unkept. Voices wet me, showers of words. Bathroom walls reflected in University classrooms. Unmet Thailand, inept swank bankrolls deodorant under arms. Unmet Thailand cries.
In the depths of Cala Lilies, I bury my nose, pistils suffocating. Sicks Us, HélEne. Lovely, isn’t it? In Ecuador I was into culture. On Main Street, I just was.