Making the best you can of yourself
Dancing to your unfavourite tunes ,
Going crazy when DJ play shit songs
You pray that this doesn't take too long
You can't believe how he can play bad tunes ,
He just plays them one after another ,
He waned for everyone to get smother ,
But they all looked like your big brother .
The DJ sees that everybody's going mad ,
He is too getting sad , He takes the cd player ,
He takes the CD of one under grounder ,
He looks it , sees DJ Anton label and puts it on .
Angry for all the bad songs
Angry because all the similar melodies
Angry because you need to her something good
That were my tune comes in .
At First you are surprised , you don' recognize the beat ,
You thought it was sunrise , but you realize you're wrong .
The melody is strong , the beat Is rocking ,
Your body is shocking , the podium is moving .
The kick turns on , bass volume goes up
Whereupon the Melody goes ,
It 's the hard up tune , the bass is pumping
Strings are almost there and true .
Losing the control , moving your body ,
Searching for girls , loving everybody
Feeding your soul with my song ,
Waiting for the best part to come
The club is getting hot , everyone is excited ,
The backlight is going crazy , everyone likes it ,
Tonight you believe that you will hear
The long waiting Showtime