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    "Party Disco Satyr"genre: Funky Breaks
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    vocal breakdown meets Treibhaus, a rockband (drums, guitar, bass) singing about seducing women, of course. But when where through with remixing and adding our stuff, it's simply a disoc funk rap track about dancing. Watch out for P-Funk.
    Credits: Manuel Wolff, Jan-Peter Voigt, Treibhaus

    Story Behind the Song
    Well - we thought recording a new song was way overtime, so we wanted to start recording a song we called "there are way to many ugly people", talking about hw everyone is ugly. But soon we realized that that wasn't exactly a positive approach to life and also that it would insult everyone - and there would be no one left to like the song. And we want to be liked. So Jan had this new virtual drum computer and had recorded a drum track which sounded funky, and also he had some recordings he did for a hard rock band and they wanted us to mess with their material. So we did. And if you can't dance to that song, you ... this is the part where a nice comparison should complete sentence, but I couldn't think of anything.

    Von den vielen kleinen Sachen, die wir alle gerne machen, ist das Tanzen eins der Besten die wir alle einmal testen wollen und wenn wir uns trauen können wir auch küssen. Hast Du dazu Lust? Du mußt nicht nein sagen, sondern einfach gehen lassen. Hör auf Deinen Bauch. Was Deine Mutter schon konnte, na das kannst Du doch auch. Mit dem Arsch zu wackeln und die Hüfte etwas schwingen un - ah, ah, ah - nein Du sollst doch nicht singen! Es reicht sich einfach treiben zu lassen auf der Tanzfläche und das wichtigste ist - zieh Dich aus - nein, lächle! etc...

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