Story Behind the Song
This song was written for a friend of mine. It's about biblical "iron" men. I find that the Bible has it's share of muscle men.
There was this man whose name was Jonah,
he wanted to go to Tarshish-that's no bologna,
God told him to go to Ninevah,
but Johna thought it over and he said "Nah",
but once at sea a great storm came,
and Johna said "I am to blame",
so everyone aboard tossed him in the drink,
it was at that point that he started to sink,
but he didn't drown-God gave him luck,
and at that point a whale picked him up,
and while in that whale Johna prayed,
and he was spit out at Ninevah after 3 days.
These were Ironmen,
always serving God and not them,
These were Ironmen,
always serving God and not them.
There was this man named Abraham,
who was the coolest dude in the whole land,
God wanted to see who he loved best,
so He put Abraham to the test,
he was told to take his only son,
and sacrifice him to God- it had to be done,
so Abe and Isaac left one day,
to go to the spot where both of them prayed,
so Abraham tied his son up,
while Isaac braced to feel the cut,
but God called out to Abraham,
"Let loose your son, I've provided a ram".
The Son of God, He came to us,
in the form of a man called Jesus,
He and God you know are One,
but Satan's evil thought it had won,
everywhere that Jesus would go,
He'd help everyone whether high or low,
cause Jesus loves us all the same,
and He knows us all and calls us by name,
He was crucified for all our sin,
and because of that- Satan can't win,
Jesus rose again for us,
so I'll be with him- In God I do trust!