Story Behind the Song
A indie-rock anthem dedicated to underachievers everywhere who feel that they could have played the game much better had someone only explained the rules.
This is the slack
it's the home of the fit
the present is my antithesis
this is the now, it's where I live
I call it home, but I'm only renting
Here I am.
Who is the face in the mirror?
Never saw, never met him,
don't want to just forget him,
cause I've got places to be.
I'm bad, I'm dangerous,
I'm thriller, I'm history.
Here I am.
There I go.
I'll take it from you,
I'll steal it all,
and once it's mine,
you're never gonna get it back.
Here I am.
There I go.
What I need is a reason to believe,
that it's gonna get better someday.
What I need is a little significance,
a sense that everything's gonna be o.k.
I'm unravelling.
This is the slack
it's the home of the fit
the present is my antithesis
this is the now, it's where I live
I call it home, but I'm only renting