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    "Underwater Journey"genre: Noise
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    As I messed with really low notes on my keyboard, I found that the sound was warped, and I got an image of an underwater craft. So, I messed with the original sound, and came up with this in just a few hours. (Check out my "story behind the song" - it's what I imagine when I listen to this piece. But close your eyes when you listen, and see where your imagination takes you!

    Story Behind the Song
    As the journey begins, you play with your altitude and speed controls a bit, to get used to the pod. All of a sudden, you hear something above you. It's a paddle-wheel ship; noisy, but far enough away that it's harmless to you. You spot a cave up ahead, and slowly move toward it.
    Once inside the cave, you notice all of the living creatures attached to all sides of the cave. They slowly undulate in the slowly moving water. It almost seems as if they are waving to you. You notice hat your "cave" is actually a tunnel, and as it opens up on the other side, you are in awe of the spectacle. No other pods are in sight, and there is marine life everywhere you look. You self-consciously drop your pod into quiet mode, in reverence to the beauty around you. As your eyes take in the ocean floor, teeming wiht life, you decide to activate the auto-pilot sequence, so that you can just enjoy the journey.

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