Story Behind the Song
A documentation of a day in the life of a scorned love. Did I actually do the stuff I talk about? You decide...
You're a selfish bitch, but I love you anyway/I decided this morning I'd get over you today/Rolled over, saw the stranger in the bed/Remembered , got up, made some coffee, took some aspirin for my head/I didn't ask - I don't need to know a name/Purpose was fulfilled my dear - yep, I came/Do I feel empty? A little more than last night/When my face was buried in the pillow and the nameless one inside/I'm being cruel, you say, could I be a bit more kind?/No, I was pinned against the wall, on my back, on my side, and from behind/You left your key outside, so we did it in your bed/Thanks for the aspirin, it really helped my head